Friday, November 29, 2013

People from all over the world come to San Diego. It’s a city at the sea, filled with all kinds of attractions, fancy hotels, and even a couple of amusement parks. Boaters, businesses, convention planners, tourists, all have a fascination with the area. An especially well-known and beloved attraction is the San Diego Sea World. Both a theme park and aquatic zoo, fit with rollercoasters and restaurants, it never ceases to draw crowds. For several years, my family had annual memberships to the park. Of course, we enjoyed everything the park had to offer, but the rides and aquatic animals were not the only things seen or heard there. Once, I had an encounter that I will never forget for as long as I live.

One early afternoon, after walking past a particularly wet ride, I found myself behind an Israeli family on holiday. The father was keeping a brisk pace, and his little son, no more than four years old, was struggling to keep up. Within a few seconds, the little boy found himself being left behind, his young legs not long enough to stay with his powerful father. In a moment of panic, he cried out one word.


His father slowed down and encouraged him to stay close. But I had stopped dead in my tracks, and watched the family disappear into the crowd. Abba. We often hear our pastors tell us that the word that God wants us to use with Him is "Abba" which means "father" or more accurately, "Daddy". That term of endearment, communicating that childlike simplicity and loving trust in a father is how God says that He wants us to call Him. And as I stood in the middle of that amusement park, the reality of what that relationship is supposed to be like had been made plain to me. This little boy cried out in fear, and his father answered. How much more so will our heavenly father, in all His majesty and power, care for us, and answer when we call? When we were young, and called our Dads "Daddy", we were to act in complete submission to His loving care and authority, having utter faith in his ability. In the same way, we must trust wholly in God, who is above all in greatness and sovereignty, and who loves us unconditionally. By His love and protection we have life, and He ever desires us to have a personal relationship with Him. Let us call out to Our Father, with respect and reverence, but also in childlike adoration and love. He is more than our Sovereign, He is our Creator and Savior.

Praises be to His name! Let the God of creation be hailed among us, for He loves us!